Title: Murder, She Meowed
Author: Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown
Synopsis: The annual steeplechase races are the high point in the social calendar of the people of Crozet. However, the festive mood disappears quickly once a jockey is found stabbed through the heart in the main barn. Soon, the post-mistress, Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen, finds herself in a desperate race to trap the killer. Aiding her is her wise tiger cat, Mrs Murphy. Using her feline genius, Mrs Murphy finds herself on a trail that leads to the truth behind the murder. But will her human companion catch up in time to beat the killer to the finish line?
Review: Sigh.... This book had so much potential. It could have been a good story with animals as detectives. Instead, it just keeps dragging on, giving unnecessary encounters between characters, aiming, I think, for greater character development. That may not be bad on its own. However, it isn't on its own. The animals, the supposed 'main characters' of the book don't even get to make the final revelation on their own. Instead, more attention is given to the humans.
Finally, what do you make of these lines?:
"He'd never felt so much pain in his life, and being the self- centered man that he was, it did not occur to him that what he had inflicted upon his victims was much, much worse."
Sigh.... Which killer actually bothers to think about his victims?
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u suck man. Got nothing better to do.